WABA’s Prince George’s County Bike Summit: Building Community Power
The weekend’s highlight was the inaugural Prince George’s County Bike Summit, hosted by WABA. The summit began with a welcome from WABA, followed by an inspiring keynote from Prince George’s County Council Chair Jolene Ivey. Chair Ivey has been a staunch ally in the fight for safer streets, and her keynote set a positive tone for the day. Ivey underscored the importance of continued advocacy and investment in helping make Prince George’s County County walkable and bikeable for all.
Brittney Drakeford and Kyle Reeder represented The Capital Market on a panel discussing “Expanding Safe Bicycling in Prince George’s County.” The discussion, moderated by Dan Reed, regional director with Greater Greater Washington, focused on bicycling equity and building community power. Reeder, “emphasized, that while, northern Prince George’s has seen significant investment; now it’s time for central and southern Prince George’s to receive similar attention.” The panelists shared personal stories and organizing experiences, highlighting the essential role of community power in advocating for equitable investments in cycling infrastructure.