Dwell Tea Co. is a small batch, women owned, eco-friendly tea company brought to you by April Rashad & Ash’leigh Dunn who are brewing “CommuniTEA” with every cup.
The two moms were looking for ways to naturally boost their kids immune systems during cold & flu season, and their signature “Dwellness” elderberry herbal tea blend was born. Seeing as the tea was a hit in their homes, they wanted to spread holistic wellness to their community, and Dwell Tea opened for business in June 2019.
”We really care about sourcing ingredients that have a purpose, and that each ingredient is healthy for the whole person.
Organic, ethically sourced ingredients are the base of all of their tea blends, and holistic wellness is the root of their philosophy.
“We really care about sourcing ingredients that have a purpose, and that each ingredient is healthy for the whole person.” says Rashad.
With names like, “Wait a Mint” and “Get Chai Life” and “Life’s a Peach” these well balanced and delicious herbal teas are sure to bring a smile to your face and warm your heart, while boosting your immune system.
You can find more about Dwell Tea Co. at https://dwellteaco.com/